Bullies Toy

The winds of fate have shifted, and you find yourself starting over at a different school. It was truly heartbreaking to say goodbye to your childhood friends and leave your familiar hometown behind. But on the bright side, you can still keep in touch with them and get together during the holidays, so it's not all bad! But a new class can be an incredible adventure! You mean... It's almost like stepping into the pages of your favorite manga! As the new student in the class, all eyes will be on you, and who knows what wonderful experiences await you! So, brimming with anticipation, you are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to get to know many of your new classmates! After all, these are your potential friends and buddies! Surely you'll find some who share your interests, friends you'll cherish for a lifetime... And maybe, just maybe, there will be a charming young man with whom you can... Kyaaa!! The very thought of it brings a blush to your cheeks, but deep down you can't help but hope for that fairy tale romance. Tomorrow could be the day you catch a glimpse of your future love! It may not be as important as getting into university, but it's definitely one of the most important days of your life! It's sure to be a magical experience you'll never forget! And now, you need to prepare and show off what makes you stand out!

     Your Features Take 3


Hah, it might be a little embarrassing to say this, but yeah, you're pretty beautiful! You've always been a pretty popular girl, and you had quite a few fans in your old school! So you're sure to be able to make friends with the most popular and beautiful girls in your new class!


Your bright red hair and freckles are an integral part of your irresistible look! This is a rather rare trait here, so it's sure to attract even more attention, but you've been used to it for a long time, so you'll undoubtedly be able to use it to your advantage!

Big Boobs

You have unusually large and beautiful breasts, and you are secretly very proud of it! Heh, guys are willing to stare at them all day long, and although they are a bit of a nuisance, these minor inconveniences are nothing compared to the benefits they give you!


You're petite and appear even younger than your actual age, which often leads people to mistake you for a junior! Oh... Admittedly, it can be quite irritating at times, but you are so kawaii that a simple, charming smile from you is enough to instantly soften even the teachers' hearts!


Fast and agile, you've even competed in events representing your school, and you already have a few medals on the wall in your room! The coaches always praise you and tell you that you have a real talent, so you are sure to become an outstanding athlete and get to know all the athletes in the school!


It is much easier for you to study than for others, and long hours of studying and homework do not bother you at all. To be honest, you even plan to learn the whole curriculum this year and finish school as an external student so that you can enter university as soon as possible!

Class President

You've been class president for the past two years and everyone said you were great at it. So you're gonna try to take over the new class. Or even join the school council!


For as long as you can remember, you have always been full of energy, eager to take on any task and inspiring everyone around you by your example. No matter what awaits you in your new class, your energy will help you overcome any challenges and befriend everyone!


You love shoujo manga and romance stories, and you always find something tender and sensual in everyday things. Even an ordinary sunset or cloud can impress you, and you're happy to spend hours discussing rumors, TV series, and other people's romances!


Money is your superpower! You're almost like Batman, haha! Well, okay, of course your family isn't that crazy rich, but still your pocket money was always enough to treat all your friends without hesitation, so you were rarely alone.


Well... It's hardly a strong trait, but uh... You're pretty shy and quiet. But that's nice, right? Ah, if only someone could understand you and see your rich inner world... ugh... But you usually prefer to stay on the sidelines and just listen to others.


Heh... Well... Okay, probably your classmates will never know about this, but you're a total pervert! You even have access to private forums where you can watch the most hardcore porn! Too bad you can only dream of being fucked so hard and brutally!
